Dentsville was a community that enjoyed being entertained and Dentsville Consolidated was happy to entertain the residents of Dentsville by providing plays throughout the year. One of these took place in December 1937 with a delightful three act comedy called “The Rainbow Girl,” members of the cast included Frank Walker, Mattie Davis, Wyona Sanders, Cecil Hinson, Jane Boney, Alvin Riley, Wilhelmina Segars, Paul Kelly, Essie Medlin, and Thelma Kelly.
The ushers were Dorothy Jacobs, Elsie Tucker, Ruth Martin, James Rich and Beatrice Monroe. Those who helped with the advertising and stage scenery included the following: Georgia King, Illa Mae Morgan, Lois Jacobs, Carol Poston, Gilbert Jacobs, Carl Bartlett, Florence Sandford and Collins Medlin.
Miss Alice E. Boney and Miss Frances McSwain entertained the cast at a party in the home economics room with some delightful refreshments.