Starting on August 9,2021 I will be doing more to promote the Dentsville Historical Society. The mission of this organization is to expand, preserve, exchange information, and encourage interest in the rich history of the Dentsville area. I have registered the "Dentsville Historical Society" with the South Carolina Secretary of State as a Charity organization. I am hoping this organization will help spread interest in the history of Dentsville along with the next book about Dentsville.
Over the past year while researching Dentsville High School there were many interesting facts about the community of Dentsville that I came across that I never knew. Through the year long research I learned about those who lived in the area over 100 years ago, learned about their family, what they did for a living, where they went to church, and I was able to see the growth of Dentsville from a community that had zero traffic signals, no subdivisions to an area that had to expand out to surrounding areas.
I knew I was going to do another book after completing "The Heart of Dentsville", early on when I started work on "The Heart of Dentsville" I figured the next book would be on "Dentsville", but when I started thinking about the work and the time that it would take I told myself I could not do such a book.
What happened was over the past year I was able to talk to people who grew up in Dentsville, many who either lived in Dentsville or spent time in the Dentsville area. These people shared their love for the area and what it use to be 60-70 years ago. I witnessed it first hand when my family began looking for a home in Dentsville in 1962. Like many of those who shared their memories of Dentsville and how it had changed which I have seen myself over the past 50 years I decided that I needed to put this book together.
This next research project will be a lengthy one and I do have a target completion date of sometime in November of 2022 for the book "DENTSVILLE REMEMBERED"
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I remember when the road to the Esso station went OVER the tracks and down to Two Notch. There used to be KAY'S Drive INN next to the station. Owned by my wife's parents Melvin Wilson and Dee Wilson - My wife was KAY. And yes, KAY used to deliver food as a carhop there - on skates.