For the past month I have been doing research for the next book "Dentsville Remembered" as most of you know I published "The Heart of Dentsville" back in August which was mainly about Dentsville High School.
This book "Dentsville Remembered" is going to be solely on the community of Dentsville. Of course I will cover the surrounding area of Dentsville but this book will cover the Dentsville community from about 1800 to around 1978.
Some of you may wonder why not cover all the way up to 2021, reason is the Dentsville I remembered was not the community I remember after Richland Northeast was built. Of course Dentsville changed greatly before Richland Northeast was built but when RNE was constructed the area was no longer known as Dentsville except for those who grew up in Dentsville prior to 1970.
Anyone that subscribes to the Dentsville History site will receive $5.00 off on "Dentsville Remembered" and all books will be signed. "Dentsville Remembered will be out in December 2022, all Dentsville subscribers will get first opportunity to purchase the book.